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Spiritual Protection and Awareness: Mind, Body and Soul | Part 1-The Physical Body

This article, originally for my lecture on Demonology and Spiritual Protection, is meant to give ideas and insight into the many possibilities that exist when one seeks to attain heighten states of consciousness, connections with the Divine, or simply to keep themselves safe from the unwanted disruption of discordant or malevolent energies which may wish to distract or break one’s connection with the divine.  I hold no grudges towards these energies because they are merely doing what I believe God has placed them here to do; to challenge us, each in our own ways, to be better, to become more Divinely connected (through spirituality, religion, belief) and to make ourselves more disciplined in promoting positive thoughts and emotions, thus raising our vibrations to match what some would call “The God Source” or what I would deem a vibration of heightened awareness and love.  As I find myself getting older and learning more, I find that this particular section of my lecture is the area which gains more ground each and every time I talk.  I’m hoping to give the people I speak with ideas that they can use and resonate with which will help them find not only their own inner strength, but a connection to whatever Divine source they believe in.
